About us

West Essex Business Partners is a unique professional networking organization in which exceptional and dedicated professionals are linked in order to produce beneficial relationships to both the member and members’ network. Value is measured by the quality and professionalism of our members, not the quantity of our referral generation. A referral is a revered resource and therefore should not be provided without the utmost confidence that it be regarded as such.

These standards are attained by our unique group camaraderie, overwhelming dedication to the betterment of each other, and overall desire to make a difference professionally and personally in our community.

Our unique format is apathetic to the “cookie cutter” model of networking and our members’ acceptance of change and individuality helps maintain the relevancy and value of the group. The desire to participate and contribute to the growth and success ofthe West Essex Business Partners is a defining characteristic of each of our members. Every member is significant; therefore every member has a voice.

We will achieve quality, quantity, notoriety, success, influence & happiness by providing the very best services from the most dedicated professionals.

We invite you to attend our bi-weekly meetings and ask that you please contact us for more details.

Please join us on Facebook & LinkedIn and get to know more about the WEBP members, opportunities and events we are involved in.

Board Members

Jack Watkinson


Information Technology

Dina Duva

Vice President


Shaun Mekkawy

Membership Coordinator

Property Management 

Anthony P. DePersio


Financial Planning and Investments

Alexandra Leale 

Event Coordinator

Interior Design and  Decorator 

Marc Campanile


Commercial Insurance

Jeff Matta
(Founding Member)

Marketing Coordinator

Web Design & Digital Marketing


Thomas J. Palma

Corporate and Business Law

Frank Conturso

Residential Real Estate

Jessica Swenson, Esq.

Family Law

David Perez

Videography & Video Marketing

Robert Breslau

Custom Clothing

Scott Trouse

Master HVAC Contractor

Vito Matturro

Residential Mortgage Lender

Jamie Nielsen Jr.

Health & Medicare Advisor

Evelyn Whritenour

Personal Insurance Advisor

Mark Brueche

Commercial & Warehouse Painting

Steven M. Royer

Commercial Pest Professional

Nicholas Bronzino

Banking Relationship Manager

Maribel Pagan

Promotional Products

Upcoming Events


contact us

Are early morning networking groups too difficult for you to attend regularly? We feel the same. Our group meets two times per month:  Once in an open networking forum where multiple people within the same profession can join to mingle. We invite you to join us for complementary food and drinks at one of our monthly mixers to meet the members and other professionals. We host these mixers at local establishments, which are rotated monthly. RSVP today to attend this professional social meeting and network with other like-minded, local individuals.  The other in a relaxed atmosphere as a closed membership. Guests can participate in two of these one-hour meetings before deciding if they’d like to become a member. We only allow one person per profession in our group to ensure our members can provide each other with the highest level of support.

Please contact Jack Watkinson with any questions you may have:

Jack Watkinson, WEBP President

